
La Canción de la semana; Hushpuppies - Bad Taste and Gold on the Doors‏

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008 en 5/26/2008 04:11:00 p. m.
Esta semana os traemos para degustar al grupo revelación en la escena musical independiente de nuestro país vecino Francia. Si no lo conocéis ya estáis tardando en escuchar su disco “The Trap”. Gran colección de himnos pegadizos cantados en inglés con la mezcla siempre efectiva de rock y psicodelia. Chulería, frescura y descaro que nos traen estos 5 chavales desde Perpignan y además un vídeo realmente interesante. Seguro que tras escuchar el tema de esta semana también queréis vuestra propia Kate Moss. Esperamos vuestros comentarios...

Hushpuppies - Bad Taste and Gold on the Doors

I want my Kate Moss, every day spread on my toast, I want my kate moss !
I want my Rolls Royce, the one in Lennon's colors, I want my Rolls Royce!
I want my mansion, with playmates to be my toys, I want some action!
I want some marble floors, bad taste and gold on the doors, I want a
bell boy!
I want a luxury place that I could ruin and destroy, I want a brand new
I want some hard drugs and sick boy to be the nice, I want some hard drugs!
I don't want any ass, tell me my life is a mess, I just want fame and lust!
I'm on the way now, I'm on the way now to the top!
I'm on the way now, I'm on the way now to the top!
I want my Kate Moss, the one in Lennon's color, with playmates to be my
I want my Kate Moss, the one in Lennon's color, with playmates to be my
I want my Kate Moss!
I want my Kate Moss, every day spread on my toast, I want my kate moss !
I want some marble floors, bad taste and gold on the doors, I want a
bell boy!
I want a luxury place that I could ruin and destroy, I want a brand new
I want some hard drugs and sick boy to be the nice, I want some hard drugs!
I want my Kate Moss, the one in Lennon's color, with playmates to be my
I want my Kate Moss, the one in Lennon's color, with playmates to be my
I want my Kate Moss!

Idea y artículo de Gustav

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